Refresh Your Gaze with Upper Eyelid Surgery

Our upper eyelid surgery service is crafted to rejuvenate and uplift your eye area. It focuses on removing excess skin, fat, and droopiness above the eyes, leading to a more awake and youthful look. This procedure meticulously reshapes the upper eyelid, accentuating a smoother and tighter appearance that significantly enhances your facial aesthetics, contributing to a more alert and refreshed appearance.

What is Upper Eyelid Surgery?

Upper Eyelid Surgery, also known as upper blepharoplasty, is a revitalizing procedure aimed at enhancing and rejuvenating the appearance of the eye area. This surgery is ideal for individuals looking to correct drooping eyelids, remove excess skin, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles or heaviness above the eyes, commonly caused by aging, genetics, or lifestyle factors. At Adonis Surgery, we specialize in tailored upper eyelid surgeries, meticulously customized to match each client's unique facial structure and aesthetic goals.

Upper Eyelid Surgery: Step-by-Step

Initial Consultation

Your path to brighter, youthful-looking eyes starts with a complimentary, in-depth consultation at our clinic. In this meeting, our surgical team will carefully listen to your desires and tackle any questions you may have—whether they're about the upper eyelid surgery process, cost implications, what to expect during recovery, insurance inquiries, or the results you envision. This relaxed consultation aims to cover all your concerns comprehensively, giving you a solid foundation to make a well-informed choice about upper eyelid surgery.

Text '‘EYELID” to (310) 402-2314 to book your free consultation!

Pre-Procedure Preparation

Should you opt for upper eyelid surgery, we will be by your side at every step. From the initial preparations to the day of your surgery, our committed team ensures you are fully ready for the procedure, maintaining the highest standards of precision and care to achieve the bright, rejuvenated look for the eyes you desire.

The Procedure

Our expert surgeons employ cutting-edge methods to meticulously craft a crease in the upper eyelid using a minor incision. This technique improves the shape and size of your eyes, effectively creating a double eyelid appearance with minimal discomfort and recovery time.

Post-Procedure Care

After the procedure, we provide comprehensive aftercare guidelines to facilitate an easy and comfortable recovery period. Upper Eyelid Surgery is known for its uncomplicated healing process and the significant renewal it offers. It lets you enjoy your revitalized, younger-looking eyes with little downtime. Our team supports you at every stage, from before the operation to after, including free follow-up appointments, to ensure your happiness and health.

After the surgery, it's common to see mild swelling and bruising around the eyes, but these usually subside within a few days. We'll be with you through every part of your aftercare to help you recover quickly and smoothly.

Upper Eyelid Surgery Recovery and Aftercare: Ensuring the Best Results

Opt for Adonis Surgery in Los Angeles for your upper eyelid surgery and benefit from unparalleled care and expertise. Our clinic partners with the most skilled surgeons in the area, as well as distinguished experts in cosmetic eye surgery. We ensure meticulous oversight of every procedure from beginning to end, prioritizing precision and safety in all aspects of your surgery.

At Adonis, you gain more than medical expertise; you are supported by a comprehensive system that oversees all pre-and post-surgical care. We offer continued support and ensure accountability, providing a five-star experience throughout your treatment. Our transparent, competitive pricing and available financing options make accessing premium cosmetic services affordable and effortless.

Why Choose Adonis for Your Upper Eyelid Surgery?


Schedule a complimentary consultation with our welcoming team at Adonis Surgery. We’re ready to cover all your questions about upper eyelid surgery, including what to anticipate, recovery time, the costs involved, and your options for financing. Let's navigate this together.

Have Questions? Find All Your Upper Eyelid Surgery Answers Here!

  • Upper eyelid surgery, or upper blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess skin, fat, and muscle from the upper eyelids to correct drooping eyelids and improve the appearance of tired or aged eyes.

  • Ideal candidates for upper blepharoplasty are individuals in good health, without severe eye conditions, who wish to remove excess skin or fat from the upper eyelids that contributes to a tired or aged appearance.

  • The procedure typically takes about 1 to 2 hours to complete, depending on the extent of the surgery and whether both eyelids are being treated.

  • Upper eyelid surgery can be performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia, based on the patient's comfort and the surgeon's recommendation.

  • Incisions are made in the natural crease of the upper eyelid, so any scarring is well-concealed and typically becomes barely noticeable over time.

  • The results of upper eyelid surgery are long-lasting, but they may be affected by the natural aging process. Most patients find their surgical improvements endure for many years.

  • If the surgery is performed to improve vision or for other medical reasons, it may be partially or fully covered by insurance. Cosmetic procedures are typically not covered.

  • Expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the first few days, which will be manageable with medication and cold compresses. It's important to follow your surgeon's instructions and attend follow-up appointments.

  • Preparation may include stopping certain medications, quitting smoking, and arranging for someone to drive you home after the surgery. Your surgeon will give you specific instructions based on your health history.

  • Yes, it's often combined with lower eyelid surgery, facelift, or brow lift for a more comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

  • Initial swelling and bruising will subside within a few weeks, at which point the improvements will be noticeable, with final results apparent after several months.

  • There is no specific age limit, but patients typically undergo the procedure from their 30s onwards when signs of aging or vision obstruction become more pronounced.

  • If excess skin from the upper eyelids obstructs vision, upper eyelid surgery can remove this skin and improve the field of vision.

Contact Us

Have a question? Text us at (310) 402-2314
