Welcome to Adonis Surgery in Torrance, serving the South Bay, Los Angeles, and Long Beach areas. We specialize in Lipo 360, a comprehensive body contouring procedure designed to sculpt and define your midsection by removing excess fat from the abdomen, waist, and back. This service is ideal for enhancing your overall physique and boosting your confidence. Let us help you achieve a more contoured and refined silhouette.

What is Lipo 360?

Lipo 360, also known as full circumferential liposuction, is a comprehensive body contouring procedure offered at Adonis Surgery. It targets multiple areas of the torso to achieve a more harmonious and aesthetically pleasing shape. This procedure encompasses the entire midsection—front, sides, and back—allowing for consistently removing excess fat from the abdomen, waist, flanks, and lower back. By treating these areas simultaneously, Lipo 360 ensures a seamless, contoured appearance that enhances your body's natural lines. Think of it as sculpting, similar to how a sculptor chisels marble, but in this case, it's about refining and revealing your body's inherent contours.

Lipo 360: A Vision of Comprehensive Beauty

Lipo 360 is more than liposuction; it's a 360-degree celebration of your body's potential. By targeting the abdomen, flanks, back, and waist, we create a seamless contour that traditional methods can't match. It's the difference between looking good and feeling incredible.

360 Lipo Procedure: Step-by-Step

The Consultation: The Blueprint to Change

Your journey begins with a thoughtful conversation. During your free consultation, we explore your vision, discuss your goals, and tailor a plan that's as unique as you are. This is where your dream body takes shape, guided by our expertise and your aspirations. We learn your expectations and body and share options and plans that work for you.

Pre-Procedure Preparation:

Should you decide to proceed with Lipo 360, we will guide you through every step of the process. From initial pre-op preparations to the day of your surgery, our dedicated team ensures that your entire midsection is adequately prepared for the procedure. We maintain the highest standards of precision and care to ensure optimal results for your full-body contouring.

The Procedure: Where Magic Happens

On the day of your transformation, our state-of-the-art suite becomes the canvas for your beauty renewal. With the utmost care and precision backed by state-of-the-art machinery, our specialists redefine your contours, employing advanced techniques to ensure minimal discomfort and downtime. 

The Recovery: A Path to Your Best Self

After your Lipo 360 procedure, we will help you with comprehensive aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery. This type of liposuction is known for its straightforward recovery process and rapid results, allowing you to appreciate your new sculpted silhouette with minimal downtime. Our team will support you from pre-op through post-op, and we are committed to ensuring your complete satisfaction and well-being with free follow-ups and 24-7 support.

Why Choose Adonis Surgery for Your Lipo 360?

We offer Adonis Surgery's ultimate Lipo 360 package, combining state-of-the-art technology with unmatched artistic precision. Led by some of Los Angeles's finest cosmetic surgeons, our in-house team is deeply committed to providing premium care, ensuring your safety and comfort at every step.

We listen to and respect your vision and meticulously realize it, focusing on delivering transformative results. With fair pricing and flexible financing options, we make achieving your ideal contours accessible and stress-free. Choose us for a comprehensive care experience that truly encompasses everything you seek.

Free Consultation

Begin your journey towards a more confident and sculpted you. Schedule your free consultation with our experts at Adonis Surgery for Lipo 360. We're here to address all your concerns, including expected results, recovery time, pricing, and financing options, helping you make a well-informed decision.

The Lipo 360 FAQs: All Your Concerns Addressed

From the intricacies of the procedure to the anticipation of the outcome, we know you have questions. Our detailed FAQ section is designed to offer clarity and confidence as you consider your journey with Lipo 360.

  • Ideal candidates are those looking for a comprehensive solution to remove stubborn fat around the midsection, leading to a more aesthetically pleasing, contoured figure.

  • Our approach combines advanced technology with bespoke surgical artistry, ensuring results that are both stunning and natural-looking.

  • Recovery varies by individual, but most clients report a quick, manageable healing process, with our team providing support and guidance at every step.

  • While you'll notice changes immediately, the full breathtaking effects of Lipo 360 unfold over weeks and months as your body heals.

  • Absolutely. We believe in informed decisions without obligation, offering you a no-cost opportunity to explore your options.

  • Lipo 360 offers a comprehensive approach, targeting multiple areas for a uniform, natural-looking result.

  • Lipo 360 is best suited for body contouring rather than significant weight loss. It's ideal for removing localized fat deposits.

  • Recovery varies, but most patients resume light activities within a few days, with full recovery taking a few weeks.

  • Initial results are visible immediately, with the final outcome apparent after the swelling subsides, typically within a few months.

  • Yes, the fat cells removed during the procedure do not return, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial for lasting results.

  • As with any surgical procedure, risks include bruising, swelling, and discomfort, but serious complications are rare.

  • The cost varies based on the extent of the procedure and individual needs. We provide a detailed quote during your consultation.

  • Yes, wearing a compression garment is essential for supporting your new contours during recovery.

  • Absolutely, Lipo 360 can be combined with other cosmetic procedures for more comprehensive results.

  • Preparation includes avoiding certain medications, maintaining a stable weight, and following pre-operative instructions provided by our team.

  • There's no ideal age; the best candidates are those in good health with realistic expectations.

  • A balanced diet and regular exercise are key to maintaining your results.

  • The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia.

  • Lipo 360 primarily removes fat and may not significantly affect cellulite.

  • Ideal candidates are those close to their target weight with stubborn fat deposits that haven't responded to diet and exercise. A consultation with our specialists will help determine if Lipo 360 is suitable for you based on your body type, skin elasticity, and overall health.

Contact Us

Have a question? Text us at (310) 402-2314 for quick and useful answers!