Discover Your Breast Augmentation Options

We provide specialized breast augmentation services, including silicone and saline implants and fat transfer techniques. Our approach is centered on understanding and addressing your specific breast augmentation desires and goals, focusing on achieving results that complement your natural physique and enhance your confidence. Our experienced team ensures each procedure is tailored to the individual’s aesthetic goals.

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at increasing breast size, improving breast shape, or restoring breast volume. At Adonis, we specialize in three primary methods:

  • Silicone Implants: Known for their natural feel, silicone implants are a popular choice for many women.

  • Saline Implants: Saline implants allow for adjustable volume and are filled after placement, offering flexibility in sizing.

  • Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation: This method uses liposuction to harvest fat from other body areas, naturally enhancing breast size without implants.

Initial Consultation

Start your journey to enhanced contours with a free, comprehensive breast augmentation consultation. During this session, our surgical team will listen carefully to your goals and address any concerns you may have—whether about the breast augmentation process, financial options, recovery expectations, insurance questions, or the results you envision. This no-pressure consultation ensures all your questions are answered, equipping you with the knowledge to make an informed decision.

Want to book a free consultation? Text '‘ENHANCE” to (310) 402-2314 now!

Pre-Procedure Preparation

If you decide to proceed with breast augmentation, our team will support you through every step. From initial preparations to the day of your surgery, we ensure you are fully prepared, maintaining the highest standards of precision and care to achieve the beautiful, natural-looking results you desire.

The Procedure

Upon deciding to proceed, our commitment continues throughout the surgical process. We guide you from preparation to the actual procedure, focusing on precision and your comfort to fulfill your expectations for a fuller, well-shaped appearance.

Post-Procedure Care

After the surgery, we provide detailed aftercare instructions to facilitate a smooth and comfortable recovery. Breast augmentation is known for its manageable recovery and transformative results. Our team supports you from pre-op to post-op, including complimentary follow-up visits to ensure your satisfaction and well-being.

The Breast Augmentation Procedure: Step-by-Step

Why Choose Adonis for Breast Augmentation?

Leveraging a decade of experience performing cosmetic surgeries for various clinics and brands, our surgery center possesses the expertise to collaborate with top surgeons, achieving the best outcomes in an optimal setting. We integrate cutting-edge surgical methods, modern facilities, and a focus on personalized care, guaranteeing that every breast augmentation we undertake is as distinctive as the clients we assist.


Begin your journey to enhanced confidence and beauty. Schedule your complimentary consultation with our specialists at Adonis Surgery, where we'll guide you through an informed decision-making process, addressing all your queries about outcomes, recovery duration, costs, and payment plans.

Detailed Breast Augmentation FAQ by our Board-Certified Surgeons:

  • Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water, inserted empty, and then filled once in place. Silicone implants are pre-filled with a silicone gel that feels more like natural breast tissue. Saline implants are known for their firmer feel, while silicone implants offer a softer, more natural texture.

  • Fat transfer breast augmentation involves using liposuction to remove fat from other parts of your body, such as the thighs, abdomen, or hips, and injecting it into the breasts. This method enhances breast size using the patient's own fat, offering a more natural alternative to implants.

  • Recovery varies by individual and the type of augmentation performed, but most patients can return to light activities within a week. Full recovery and the settling of implants typically take several weeks to months.

  • While breast implants do not have an expiration date, they are not considered lifetime devices. On average, implants can last between 10 to 20 years, but this can vary. Periodic check-ups are recommended to assess the condition of the implants.

  • Fat transfer offers a more subtle enhancement and natural feel since it uses the patient’s own fat. However, the increase in breast size may be less dramatic than with implants. Fat transfer results are also dependent on how well the transferred fat integrates with the breast tissue.

  • The best approach is a personal consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. They will consider your body type, aesthetic goals, lifestyle, and the pros and cons of each method to recommend the best option for you.

  • Yes, many patients opt to combine breast augmentation with other cosmetic procedures for more comprehensive results.

  • Implant size is determined based on your body frame, existing breast tissue, and desired outcome. We use 3D imaging to help visualize potential results.

  • Preparation includes following pre-operative instructions, such as adjusting medications and arranging for post-surgery care.

  • Implants can be placed under the breast tissue or beneath the chest muscle, depending on your anatomy and desired results.

  • Most patients experience mild to moderate discomfort, controlled with medication, and can resume light activities within a few days.

  • Light exercise can usually be resumed within a few weeks, with a gradual return to full activities as guided by your surgeon.

  • Most women are able to breastfeed after augmentation, but it can depend on the surgical technique used.

  • Incisions are made in inconspicuous areas to minimize visible scarring. Over time, scars typically fade and become less noticeable.

  • The best method depends on your body, goals, and lifestyle. During your consultation, we'll discuss all options to help you make an informed decision.

  • The cost of high-quality breast augmentation in Los Angeles typically ranges between $8,000 and $15,000, depending on various factors, including the type of implants used, the surgeon's expertise, the complexity of the procedure, and the facilities used. When you come in for a consultation at Adonis, we'll create a customized surgical plan that's just right for you, considering all the factors to provide a quote. Our aim is to offer you the best price for your desired results. We're committed to delivering premium surgeries at affordable prices and support our patients with various financing options and promotions.

Contact Us Today

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