Uplift Your Profile with a Breast Lift

Our breast lift surgery service is designed to elevate and reshape your breast contours. It tackles sagging and excess skin, lifting the breasts to a higher position while improving their shape and firmness. This procedure carefully redefines the breasts, focusing on a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing profile, enhancing your overall silhouette and boosting your confidence with a rejuvenated appearance.

What is Breast Lift Surgery?

Breast Lift Surgery, also known as mastopexy, is a transformative procedure that lifts and reshapes the breasts for a more youthful and firmer appearance. This surgery is perfect for individuals seeking to address sagging breasts, decreased volume, and stretched skin due to weight fluctuations, pregnancy, or aging. At Adonis Surgery in Torrance, we specialize in customized breast lift procedures tailored to harmonize with each client's unique body shape and aesthetic aspirations.

Breast Lift Surgery Procedure: Step-by-Step

Initial Consultation

Your journey to uplifted, rejuvenated breasts begins with a free, in-depth consultation. During this meeting, our friendly surgery consultant will carefully listen to your desired goals and address any concerns you might have—be it about the breast lift procedure itself, financial considerations, what to expect during recovery, insurance inquiries, or the outcomes you're hoping for. This obligation-free consultation is designed to answer all your questions thoroughly, establishing a solid basis for making an informed choice about breast lift surgery.

Pre-Procedure Preparation

Should you choose to proceed with breast lift surgery, we will support you at every turn. From the initial preparations to the day of your surgery, our caring team ensures you are completely ready for the procedure, upholding the highest standards of accuracy and attentiveness to achieve the uplifted, youthful breast profile you envision.

The Surgery

Our surgeons utilize cutting-edge techniques to carefully lift and reshape your breasts, removing excess skin and repositioning the tissue for optimal elevation. This is achieved through carefully placed incisions, ensuring a more youthful breast contour with minimal discomfort and downtime, embodying the desired breast lift effect.

Post-Procedure Care

After the surgery, we offer thorough aftercare guidance to facilitate a seamless and comfortable healing period. Breast Lift Surgery is recognized for its manageable recovery process and profound aesthetic enhancement, enabling you to appreciate your newly uplifted and contoured breast profile with minimal downtime. Our team is here for you through every phase, from pre-op to post-op, including free follow-up visits to guarantee your happiness and health.

Breast Lift Recovery and Aftercare: We Ensure the Best Results

After the procedure, it's common to notice some mild swelling and bruising around the breast area, which usually lessens within a few days. We'll walk you through every aspect of your aftercare, helping to ensure a rapid and smooth recovery journey.

Why Choose Adonis for Your Breast Lift Surgery?

At Adonis Surgery, our team of board-certified surgeons specializes in breast lift procedures, ensuring every detail is meticulously managed to meet the highest medical standards. Under the supervision of our experienced medical director, we commit to precision, safety, and tailored care, delivering natural-looking results that align with your aesthetic goals. With all services managed in-house, we maintain control over costs, ensuring our pricing is always fair and affordable.

Free Consultation

Our top-tier surgical team, experts in breast lift surgery, ensures that your mastopexy is executed with unmatched precision and safety. At Adonis, we prioritize personalized care, striving to achieve flawless, natural-looking enhancements that resonate with your vision for a revitalized look.

Have Questions? Explore Breast Lift Surgery FAQ by our Board-Certified Surgeons:

  • Breast lift surgery, or mastopexy, is a procedure that raises and reshapes sagging breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to achieve a more youthful breast contour.

  • Ideal candidates are those with sagging breasts due to past pregnancies, significant weight loss, aging, or genetics who wish to restore a firmer, more elevated breast profile.

  • A breast lift does not significantly change the size of your breasts. It is designed to lift and reshape. If you're looking for volume, you might consider combining it with breast augmentation.

  • Breast lift surgery typically takes 2 to 3 hours, depending on the extent of the lift and whether additional procedures, like augmentation, are performed simultaneously.

  • The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia, ensuring you're comfortable and pain-free throughout the surgery.

  • Recovery varies but most patients can return to work and light activities within a week. Full recovery and the final results take a few months to fully develop.

  • Yes, there will be scars, but they are generally placed in locations that are less visible and tend to fade over time. Surgeons strive to minimize scarring as much as possible.

  • The results are long-lasting, but gravity, aging, and changes in weight can eventually affect the breasts' shape and firmness over time.

  • Many women can breastfeed after a breast lift, but there can be exceptions. It's important to discuss your breastfeeding plans with your surgeon before the procedure.

  • Yes, a breast lift can be performed without implants to raise and firm the breasts. Implants are only needed if you also want to increase your breast size.

  • You'll notice results immediately after the surgery, but the final shape and position will gradually refine over the following months as swelling decreases.

  • Preparation may include getting lab tests, adjusting current medications, stopping smoking, and avoiding taking aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs.

  • No, a breast lift should not affect your ability to have mammograms, but it's important to inform the mammography technician about your surgery.

  • Patients should be fully developed before considering a breast lift. This usually means waiting until at least 18, but exceptions can be made based on individual circumstances.

  • The cost of breast lift surgery in Los Angeles ranges from $6,000 to $12,000, depending on various factors. Here at Adonis, we'll tailor the right surgery plan for you during a consult, considering all aspects to ensure you get the best price for the results you desire. We offer premium surgeries at affordable prices and help our patients with financing and promotions.

  • While the physical aspects of a lift can't be "undone," adjustments can be made in a subsequent surgery to alter the appearance if needed.

  • A breast lift focuses on repositioning existing breast tissue to a higher, more youthful position without significantly reducing breast size, while breast reduction removes breast tissue and skin to reduce the size and weight of large breasts.

  • Yes, a breast lift can improve breast symmetry by adjusting the position and shape of the breasts, although perfect symmetry is not always achievable.

  • Post-surgery, you'll be advised to wear a supportive surgical bra or compression garment to help with healing, reduce swelling, and support the new breast contour as it settles.

Contact Us

Have a question? Text us at (310) 402-2314
