Labiaplasty & Labia Reduction

Boost Your Comfort and Confidence with Labiaplasty

Our labiaplasty procedure is meticulously crafted to enhance comfort and aesthetics in the intimate areas. Our expert surgeons address concerns such as discomfort, asymmetry, or dissatisfaction with the appearance of the labia, which can result from childbirth, aging, or genetics. With precise attention to detail, our team tailors each procedure to align with your unique body and goals, restoring balance and promoting a confident, rejuvenated self-image.

What is Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is a specialized procedure designed to refine and enhance the intimate areas affected by childbirth, aging, or discomfort. This precise surgery often involves reshaping or reducing the labia to improve both aesthetics and comfort, addressing issues such as asymmetry or physical discomfort. Our expert surgeons are committed to creating personalized labiaplasty plans, meticulously tailored to meet each individual's specific concerns and aesthetic desires. Our approach focuses on enhancing your natural anatomy, boosting your comfort, and elevating your self-confidence, ensuring that the results harmoniously complement your unique body.

Labiaplasty Surgery: Step-by-Step

Initial Consultation

Begin your journey to enhanced comfort and aesthetics with a complimentary, comprehensive consultation at our clinic. Our expert surgical team is dedicated to understanding your goals and addressing any questions you might have about labiaplasty, from the procedure specifics to financial considerations, recovery timelines, and expected outcomes. This pressure-free consultation is designed to ensure that all your concerns are thoroughly addressed, empowering you to make a well-informed decision about your labiaplasty.

Want to book a free consultation? Text ‘LABIAPLASTY’ to (310) 402-2314 now!

Pre-Procedure Preparation

Once you decide to proceed with labiaplasty, our team at Adonis Plastic Surgery will support you at every step. From the initial preparations through to the day of the surgery, our committed team will guide you, ensuring the highest standards of care and precision. Our goal is to help you achieve the comfort and appearance you desire, ensuring your confidence and satisfaction throughout the process.

The Procedure

During the labiaplasty procedure, which typically lasts about one to two hours, our skilled surgeons carefully reshape or reduce the labia minora and/or labia majora. This is done under local anesthesia with or without sedation, depending on your preference and the complexity of the surgery. The technique used will vary based on your specific anatomy and desired outcomes, whether it involves trimming excess tissue or employing a wedge technique to maintain natural borders. Throughout the procedure, every effort is made to ensure precision and symmetry, with a focus on preserving sensation and minimizing scarring.

Post-Procedure Care

After your labiaplasty, we provide comprehensive aftercare instructions to facilitate a smooth and comfortable recovery. Known for its significant improvements and manageable recovery process, labiaplasty allows you to enjoy your enhanced aesthetics with minimal downtime. Our team supports you from pre-op to post-op, including complimentary follow-up sessions to monitor your progress and ensure your satisfaction and well-being.

Following the labiaplasty, you may experience mild swelling and bruising around the treated areas, which generally subsides within the first few weeks. We'll provide detailed guidance for your aftercare to facilitate a swift and seamless recovery process. Rest assured, our 24/7 support is available to address any concerns you might have, and we offer complimentary follow-up sessions to monitor your progress and ensure your satisfaction.

Labiaplasty Recovery & Aftercare: We Ensure the Best Results

Why Choose Adonis For Your Labiaplasty Surgery?

At Adonis Plastic Surgery, we collaborate with top-tier surgeons renowned for their expertise in advanced techniques for labiaplasty. From your initial consultation through to the completion of your surgery, we provide meticulous oversight of each step, ensuring precision and safety throughout the process.

Unlike a traditional doctor's office, our clinic offers a comprehensive support system that covers all aspects of your journey, from pre-op preparation to post-op care. You are fully supported by our dedicated team, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish. We provide ongoing support and assurance, offering unparalleled care during your transformation. With transparent pricing and flexible financing options, we make accessing premier labiaplasty services effortless and worry-free, ensuring a smooth and satisfying experience at our fully equipped clinic.

Free Consultations

Schedule a complimentary consultation with our welcoming team at Adonis Plastic Surgery. We're here to address all your inquiries about labiaplasty, from what to anticipate to the recovery timeline, cost considerations, and financial management options. Let’s work through it together, ensuring you receive comprehensive support from A to Z in our fully equipped clinic, not just a doctor's office. We are committed to guiding you every step of the way, providing detailed information and tailored care.

Have Questions? Find All Your Labiaplasty Answers Here!

  • Labiaplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at reshaping or resizing the labia minora and/or labia majora, the external skin folds around the vagina. This surgery can help alleviate discomfort from enlarged labia, which may affect physical activities and clothing choices, and also improve the aesthetic appearance for enhanced self-confidence. If you have any questions or are considering labiaplasty, please text us at (310) 402-2314 for more information or to schedule a consultation.

  • The cost of labiaplasty can vary from $3000 to $8000 based on several factors. To provide you with a specific estimate tailored to your needs, it's best to have a personal consultation where we can discuss your expectations and any specific requirements. Please feel free to text us at (310) 402-2314 to schedule your consultation or to receive more detailed information about pricing.

  • Someone might choose to undergo labiaplasty for various reasons, both functional and aesthetic. Functionally, large or asymmetrical labia can cause discomfort during activities like cycling, running, or even sitting. It can also lead to irritation or pain during sexual activity. Aesthetically, some individuals may feel self-conscious about the appearance of their labia, which can affect their confidence and sexual well-being. Labiaplasty offers a solution by resizing or reshaping the labia to alleviate these issues, improving both comfort and the appearance of the genital area.

  • Labiaplasty is typically considered a cosmetic procedure and not commonly covered by insurance. However, there are exceptions where it might be covered if it's deemed medically necessary. This could be the case if a patient experiences chronic pain, recurring infections, or significant discomfort during daily activities or sexual intercourse that can be directly attributed to the size or shape of their labia. Documentation from a medical professional, such as a gynecologist, indicating these medical reasons is usually required for insurance companies to consider coverage. If you have questions about your specific circumstances and insurance coverage, please text us at (310) 402-2314, and we can help guide you through the process of verification and consultation.

  • Labiaplasty aims to reshape or reduce the labia, enhancing both comfort and aesthetics. It alleviates discomfort during activities or tight clothing and addresses aesthetic concerns that may affect personal confidence. This procedure can significantly improve quality of life for those experiencing physical or psychological discomfort. For more information or to discuss if labiaplasty is right for you, please text us at (310) 402-2314. We’re here to help!

  • Recovery from labiaplasty typically involves some discomfort, but it is generally manageable with prescribed pain medication and proper care. Most patients experience mild to moderate pain during the first few days post-surgery, which gradually decreases. Swelling and sensitivity are common but should improve within a week, with most returning to work and normal activities shortly thereafter. Strict adherence to post-operative care instructions is crucial for a smooth recovery. If you have concerns about pain or any other aspect of recovery, please text us at (310) 402-2314 for more detailed information and support.

  • To get a referral for labiaplasty, you should start by consulting with your primary care physician or a gynecologist. They can assess your needs and determine whether labiaplasty might be beneficial for you. If it is deemed appropriate, they will provide a referral to a qualified plastic surgeon. Additionally, some clinics, including ours, may not require a formal referral, allowing you to schedule a consultation directly. For specific guidance or to book a consultation with one of our specialists, please feel free to text us at (310) 402-2314. We are here to help you navigate your options and ensure you receive the best possible care.

  • Labiaplasty has become increasingly common in recent years as more women seek this procedure for both functional and aesthetic reasons. It's one of the fastest-growing cosmetic surgeries in the United States and other parts of the world. This growth can be attributed to greater awareness of the surgery, the decrease in stigma associated with discussing genital aesthetics and discomfort, and improvements in surgical techniques that offer better outcomes and reduced recovery times. Women are increasingly feeling empowered to seek solutions that enhance their comfort and confidence, contributing to the rising popularity of labiaplasty. If you're considering this procedure and want to know more about how common it is, or if you have any other questions, please feel free to text us at (310) 402-2314. We're here to provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision.

  • The recovery period for labiaplasty generally lasts about 4 to 6 weeks. Most patients can return to work and light daily activities within 5 to 7 days, depending on their personal comfort and the nature of their job. During the initial weeks, it's crucial to avoid strenuous activities and anything that could strain the area, such as heavy lifting or high-impact exercises. Swelling and some discomfort are normal but should gradually decrease over the first few weeks. Sexual activity and the use of tampons should be avoided until fully healed, typically around the 6-week mark. Following your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions closely is essential for a smooth recovery. If you have questions or need further guidance during your recovery, please text us at (310) 402-2314. We’re here to help ensure your recovery is as comfortable and successful as possible.

  • Labiaplasty typically has a relatively quick recovery period. Most patients can return to work and normal activities within a week, although complete healing may take about 4 to 6 weeks. During this time, it's important to follow your surgeon's post-operative care instructions closely to ensure proper healing and avoid complications. Swelling and discomfort should decrease significantly within the first few weeks. Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities and sexual intercourse until they are fully healed, usually around the 6-week mark. For specific advice on your recovery process or to discuss any concerns, please text us at (310) 402-2314. We’re here to support you throughout your healing journey.

  • People opt for labiaplasty primarily for functional and aesthetic reasons. Functionally, enlarged or asymmetrical labia can cause discomfort or pain during physical activities, sexual intercourse, or even when wearing tight clothing. Aesthetically, some individuals may feel self-conscious about the appearance of their labia, which can impact their self-esteem and sexual confidence. Labiaplasty addresses these issues by resizing or reshaping the labia to improve comfort, confidence, and overall well-being. If you’re considering this procedure and want to learn more about how it might benefit you, please text us at (310) 402-2314 for a consultation.

  • After a labiaplasty, it's generally advised to avoid taking baths, swimming, or using hot tubs for about 4 to 6 weeks to ensure proper healing and prevent infection. Showering may be permissible a few days after the surgery, following your surgeon's instructions. This precaution helps protect the surgical site from excessive moisture, which can interfere with the incisions healing properly. Always follow the specific post-operative care instructions provided by your surgeon to ensure the best recovery. If you have any questions about your post-operative care or specific recommendations for your recovery, please text us at (310) 402-2314. We’re here to support you throughout your healing process.

  • Yes, we offer financing options for labiaplasty to help make the procedure more accessible. To discuss the specific financing plans available and find one that best suits your needs, please text us at (310) 402-2314. Our team is here to help you navigate the financial aspects and assist you every step of the way.

  • Generally, prices can range from $3,000 to $8,000. This estimate typically covers the surgeon's fee, facility costs, and anesthesia. However, additional costs for pre-operative and post-operative care may also apply. It's important to consult directly with a clinic or surgeon for an accurate quotation tailored to your specific needs. For a personalized estimate and to discuss the financial aspects of labiaplasty in more detail, please feel free to text us at (310) 402-2314. We're here to assist you with transparent and detailed information to help you make an informed decision.

  • The recommended age for labiaplasty is typically after an individual has fully matured physically, which usually occurs after puberty, often around 18 years old. However, exceptions can be made for younger individuals if they are experiencing significant physical discomfort or psychological distress due to the appearance or size of their labia. In such cases, a thorough evaluation by medical professionals, including psychological assessment and parental consent, is essential. It's important to consider both physical development and emotional readiness when deciding on this procedure. For more details or to discuss specific cases, please feel free to text us at (310) 402-2314.

  • Labiaplasty is considered medically necessary when the size or shape of the labia causes chronic physical symptoms that significantly impair a person's quality of life. These symptoms might include pain, discomfort, irritation, or recurrent infections that occur during everyday activities, exercise, or sexual intercourse. In such cases, the procedure is not just for cosmetic enhancement but is needed to alleviate substantial discomfort or health issues. If you believe your situation might warrant a medically necessary labiaplasty, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation. For further assistance or to discuss your specific circumstances, please text us at (310) 402-2314. We're here to help guide you through your options.

  • Item descriptionAfter undergoing labiaplasty, it is generally recommended to wait about 4 to 6 weeks before resuming sexual activities. This waiting period allows for proper healing and helps prevent complications such as infection or tearing of the incisions. It's important to follow your surgeon’s specific post-operative instructions, as individual recovery rates can vary. If you experience any discomfort or have concerns during your recovery, it's essential to consult your surgeon. For personalized advice or to discuss your recovery further, please text us at (310) 402-2314. We're here to support you every step of the way.

  • Labiaplasty and vaginoplasty are specialized procedures that address different concerns. Labiaplasty focuses on the appearance and function of the labia, helping to alleviate discomfort and improve aesthetics. This might involve resizing or reshaping the labia minora to address issues like discomfort during physical activities or unevenness. Vaginoplasty, in contrast, tightens the vaginal canal and muscles, typically sought after changes from childbirth or aging, to enhance sexual satisfaction and address potential incontinence. Both surgeries aim to boost comfort and confidence.

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